Medium / Heavy Duty Truck

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15 matching items were found, now displaying 1 - 10

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Heavy Duty Truck Systems

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781435483828
ISBN 10: 1435483820

HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SYSTEMS, 5th EDITION is a best-selling introduction to servicing medium-and heavy-duty trucks, providing a strong foundation of content on Electricity and Electronics, Power Train, St...

Price: $134.95

Modern Diesel Technology, Preventive Maintenance and Inspection

John Dixon
ISBN 13: 9781418053918
ISBN 10: 1418053910

Designed for technicians new to the field of preventive maintenance for trucks and trailers, this valuable resource offers readers a clear, solid understanding of the otherwise complex equipment invol...

Price: $134.95

Bundle: Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, 3rd + Workbook

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781435444232
ISBN 10: 143544423X

The most comprehensive guide to highway diesel engines and their management systems available today, Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, 3E is a user-friendly reso...

Price: $216.95

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781428366664
ISBN 10: 1428366660

The most comprehensive guide to highway diesel engines and their management systems available today, Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, 3E is a user-friendly reso...

Price: $134.95

Modern Diesel Technology, Brakes, Suspension & Steering

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781418013721
ISBN 10: 1418013722

Beginning with entry-level explanations of the critical systems and advancing to the standard required of ASE L4 and L5 certification testing, this stand-alone book is a first-rate primer in the study...

Price: $134.95

Modern Diesel Technology, Electricity and Electronics

Joseph Bell
ISBN 13: 9781401880132
ISBN 10: 1401880134

In this new treatment of a fundamentally important subject, student technicians will quickly grasp electrical principles thanks to the author's straightforward comparisons between compressed air syste...

Price: $134.95

Modern Diesel Technology, Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781401870799
ISBN 10: 1401870791

Gain a sound understanding of electronically controlled diesel engines as well as maintenance and diagnostic procedures. This book uses the ASE L2 "composite" diesel engine as a platform for fosterin...

Price: $134.95

Modern Diesel Technology, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

John Dixon
ISBN 13: 9781401878498
ISBN 10: 1401878490

Student technicians of truck air conditioning or truck-trailer refrigeration will appreciate the easy-to-follow language this book employs in conveying the foundational concepts of mobile refrigeratio...

Price: $134.95

Heavy Duty Truck Systems

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781401870645
ISBN 10: 1401870643

This best-selling introduction to servicing medium-and heavy-duty trucks continues to provide a strong foundation of content on Electricity and Electronics, Power Train, Steering and Suspension, Brake...

Price: $134.95

Modern Diesel Technology, Diesel Engines

Sean Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781401898090
ISBN 10: 1401898092

Modern Diesel Technology: Diesel Engines is an ideal primer for the aspiring diesel technician, using simple, straightforward language and a building block approach to build a working knowledge of the...

Price: $134.95

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