Professional Esthetics
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9 matching items were found, now displaying 1 - 9
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Milady's Aesthetician Series, Peels and Chemical Exfoliation
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781435438668
ISBN 10: 1435438663
Peels and Chemical Exfoliation, from Milady's Aesthetician Series, successfully exposes the reader to a broad understanding of the use of specific peeling agents and how they react on the skin. In thi...
Milady's Aesthetician Series, Microdermabrasion
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781435438651
ISBN 10: 1435438655
The second edition of Microdermabrasion, from Milady's Aesthetician Series, takes a unique and highly effective approach in addressing the advanced training needs of aestheticians working in medical s...
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Building Your MediSpa Business
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781401881672
ISBN 10: 140188167X
Building Your Medispa Business, part of Milady's Aesthetician Series, focuses on the planning process of owning and operating a spa business. This book emphasizes the key components an individual wil...
Milady's Aesthetician Series, Permanent Makeup, Tips and Techniques
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781401881733
ISBN 10: 1401881734
Permanent Makeup: Tips and Techniques, part of Milady's Aesthetician Series, focuses on the newest techniques and the latest trends in permanent makeup, one of the hottest procedures in the aesthetics...
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Botox, Dermal Fillers and Sclerotherapy
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781401881696
ISBN 10: 1401881696
Botox ®, dermal fillers, and sclerotherapy, one of twelve titles in Milady's Aesthetican Series, discusses the hottest procedures in the non-surgical aesthetics industry today. This guide looks into e...
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Microdermabrasion
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781401881764
ISBN 10: 1401881769
This book's innovative approach to teaching advanced microdermabrasion techniques makes it easy for aestheticians, clinicians and physicians to follow proven techniques. Professionals in medical skin ...
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Peels and Peeling Agents
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781401881771
ISBN 10: 1401881777
This book's innovative approach to teaching advanced peeling techniques and the use of peeling agents makes it easy for aestheticians, clinicians and physicians to follow proven techniques. Profession...
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Medical Terminology: A Handbook for the Skin Care Specialist
Pamela Hill
ISBN 13: 9781401881719
ISBN 10: 1401881718
Milady's Hair Removal Techniques, A Comprehensive Manual
Helen Bickmore
ISBN 13: 9781401815554
ISBN 10: 1401815553
This helpful guide provides the most complete source for those seeking to expand their knowledge on a variety of hair removal techniques. You'll receive basic information and instruction on both temp...
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