Truck Driving

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4 matching items were found, now displaying 1 - 4


Bundle: Trucking Tractor Trailer Driver Handbook Workbook with Longer Commercial Vehicle Regulations Training

Alice Adams; Dave Daniels
ISBN 13: 9781418025571
ISBN 10: 1418025577

A severe shortage of trained tractor-trailer drivers faces the trucking industry and the nation. Trucking: Tractor-Trailer Driver Handbook/Workbook, Third edition and its ancillaries can help solve th...

Price: $49.95

Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) Regulations Training

Dave Daniels
ISBN 13: 9781418005788
ISBN 10: 1418005789


Price: $24.95

Trucking Rules and Regulations, Reference Guide to Transportation

Alice Adams
ISBN 13: 9781401835460
ISBN 10: 1401835465


Price: $24.95

Straight Truck Driver Handbook/Workbook

Alice Adams
ISBN 13: 9780892625031
ISBN 10: 0892625031


Price: $24.95


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