Technical Mathematics

Third Edition
Author: John C. Peterson
ISBN #: 0766861880
©2004   Publish Date: 08/11/2003
Binding: HB
Pages: 976
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $249.95


Students preparing for technical, engineering technology, or scientific careers will benefit from the major projects and integrated use of calculators in this 3rd edition that allow them to solve problems in much the same manner as they will on the job! Thorough coverage of precalculus topics ranging from algebra and geometry to trigonometry and analytic geometry place an emphasis on how these topics are used in specific occupations. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, this comprehensive book provides numerous application-oriented exercises and examples that will help students learn to use mathematics and technology in situations related to their future work. A companion web page has additional material for both faculty and students.

Table of Contents:

Preface. The Real Number System. Algebraic Concepts and Operations
of Equations. Geometry. Project 1: Building Design. Functions and Graphs. An Introduction to Trigonometry and Variation. Chip Away. Systems of Linear Equations and Determinants. Factoring and Algebraic Fractions. Vectors and Trigonometric Functions
Project 3: Roll Em. Fractional and Quadratic Equations. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
Project 4: Range Finder. Exponents and Radicals. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Statistics and Empirical Methods. Do You Want Fries? Complex Numbers. An Introduction to Plane Analytic Geometry. Bending Beams. Higher Degree Equations. Systems of Equations and Inequalities. Matrices. Shaping Up. Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Formula. Trigonometric Formulas, Identities, and Equations. Roller Coaster. An Introduction to Calculus. Appendix A. The Metric System. Index of Applications. Index

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