Description: Part of the Residential Construction Academy series, Electrical Principles bridges the gap between theory books that include topics that electricians do not need to know (e.g., resonance and devices) and books for electricians that try to cover all the theory in one chapter. Instead, through the use of a lively writing style and frequent examples, Stephen Herman expands on the important topics that residential electricians need, so that students have time to fully grasp the concepts they'll need on the job. This text focuses on the theory that a residential wireman needs and it includes important safety and OSHA information.
Create a direct link between your education/training program and the residential construction industry! Training materials are now available for many of the residential crafts based on skill standards developed by the nation's leading builders and educators. The result of a strategic partnership between the National Association of Home Builder's Home Builders Institute and Delmar Learning, the Residential Construction Academy Series is the perfect way to teach essential workplace skills to people new to the building trades.
Ideal for use in vocational programs, workforce development programs, professional associations, and trade unions, all materials are based on industry standards. The Residential Construction Academy also offers credentialing for programs using the skill standards and materials, along with a national registry of students who have successfully completed participating programs. The goal is a workforce that is skilled, knowledgeable, and able to meet the needs of the industry today and well into the future. Product Benefits: - examples are used extensively throughout the text to help students master the material
- a separate chapter on Safety emphasizes the importance of safety on the job
- a Glossary of Terms opens each chapter to give students easy access to terminology when they need it
- additional pedagogical features -chapter overviews, objectives, summary, practice problems, and review questions- support the text material
- an extensive full-color art and photo program brings the topic to life for students
Table of Contents: Section OneBasic Electricity1
Chapter 1 Safety3 General Safety Rules5 Effects of Electric Current on the Body5 Protective Clothing8 Ladders and Scaffolds9 Fires11 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters12 Grounding 13 Summary14 Review Questions 14
Chapter 2Basic Electrical Theory19 Early History of Electricity21 Atoms21 The Law of Charges23 Centrifugal Force24 Electron Orbits24 Valence Electrons25 Electron Flow26 Insulators26 Methods of Producing Electricity26 Summary 27 Review Questions27
Chapter 3Electrical Quantities and Ohms Law28 The Coulomb30 The Amp30 The Electron Theory30 The Conventional Current Theory30 Speed of Current 31 Basic Electrical Circuits32 The Volt33 The Ohm33 The Watt34 Other Measures of Power35 Ohms Law36 Metric Units39 Summary39 Review Questions40
Chapter 4Resistors41 Uses of Resistors43 Fixed Resistors43 Color Code45 Standard Resistance Values of Fixed Resistors48 Power Ratings49 Variable Resistors50 Schematic Symbols51 Summary52
Chapter 5Series Circuits54 Series Circuits56 Voltage Drops in a Series Circuit56 Resistance in a Series Circuit57 Calculating Series Circuit Values57 Solving Circuits58 Voltage Dividers64 The General Voltage Divider Formula65 Voltage Polarity65 Using Ground as a Reference66 Summary67 Review Questions67
Chapter 6Parallel Circuits69 Parallel Circuit Values71 Parallel Resistance Formulas72 Summary 79 Review Questions80
Chapter 7Combination Circuits82 Combination Circuits84 Solving Combination Circuits84 Simplifying the Circuit84 Summary96 Review Questions96
Chapter 8Measuring Instruments99 Analog Meters101 The Voltmeter101 Multirange Voltmeters102 Reading a Meter103 The Ammeter105 Ammeter Shunts105 AC Ammeters106 Clamp-on Ammeters108 DC-AC Clamp-on Ammeters108 The Ohmmeter110 Digital Meters111 The Low-Impedance Voltage Tester113 Summary114 Review Questions115
Chapter 9Using Wire Tables and Determining Conductor Sizes 116 Using the National Electric Code Charts118 Factors That Determine Ampacity118 Correction Factors122 Computing Conductor Sizes and Resistance123 Computing Voltage Drop128 Parallel Conductors128 Testing Wire Installations129 Summary130 Review Questions131
Section TwoAlternating Current145
Chapter 10 Magnetic Induction132 Magnetic Induction134 Flemings Left-Hand Generator Rule135 Moving Magnetic Fields135 Determining the Amount of Induced Voltage135 Lenzs Law136 Rise Time of Current in an Inductor136 ... |