Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching

Eighth Edition
Author: Thomas P. Olivo; C. Thomas Olivo
ISBN #: 1401848788
©2005   Publish Date: 08/25/2004
Binding: PB
Pages: 256
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $119.95


Updated to the latest ANSI, ISO, AWS, and ASME standards, this 50th Anniversary Edition helps individuals develop skills in reading and interpreting industrial drawings and in preparing simple technical sketches. It is written to be a consumable, interactive text/workbook that provides basic principles, concepts, ANSI and SI Metric drafting symbols and standards, terminology, manufacturing process notes, and other related technical information contained on a mechanical or CAD drawing. Each unit features a basic principle and at least one blueprint and assignment that encourages users to practice newly learned skills.

Product Benefits:

  • expanded coverage on geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) has been updated to the most current ANSI standards
  • major enhancements to the graphics and line quality of drawings as well as a more functional use of color help in developing print reading skills with accuracy
  • very short units of instruction break up material into manageable chunks of information with abundant assignments (including sketching) that serve to engage reader interest

Table of Contents:

Dimensions and Notes
The SI Metric System
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Fundamentals
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Computer Graphics Technology
Welding Drawings
Working Drawings
Sketching Lines and Basic Forms
Freehand Lettering
Shop Sketching: Pictorial Drawings
Sketching for CAD/CNC

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