Welding and Metal Fabrication

First Edition
Author: Larry Jeffus
ISBN #: 1418013749
©2012   Publish Date: 01/27/2011
Binding: HB
Pages: 800
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $119.95


WELDING AND METAL FABRICATION employs a unique hands-on, project-based learning strategy to teach welding skills effectively and keep you motivated. This groundbreaking new book connects each welding technique to a useful and creative take-home project, making exercises both practical and personal—and avoiding the tedium of traditional, repetitive welding practices. To further enhance the learning process, every welding project includes a set of prints with specifications, like those used in production fabrication shops. This full-featured approach to skill-building reflects the reality of professional welding, where following prints and instructions precisely and laying out, cutting out, and assembling weldment accurately are just as essential as high-quality welding. The included projects are small to conserve materials during the learning process, but detailed instructions and abundant photos and illustrations guide you through a wide range of fabrication skills. Key steps and techniques within the small projects are also linked to larger projects presented at the end of each chapter, enabling you to apply what you have learned by fabricating and welding something more substantial. This thorough, reader-friendly book also prepares you for real-world success by covering shop math and measurement, time and material tracking, and invoicing.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction.
2. Welding Safety.
3. Shop Math.
4. Reading Technical Drawings.
5. Welding Joint Design, Welding Symbols.
6. Fabricating Techniques and Practices.
7. Welding Shop Practices.
8. Shielded Metal Arc Equipment, Setup, and Operation.
9. Shielded Metal Arc Welding Plate.
10. Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe.
11. Gas Metal Arc Welding Equipment and Materials.
12. Gas Metal Arc Welding.
13. Flux Core Arc Welding Equipment and Materials.
14. Flux Core Arc Welding.
15. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Equipment and Materials.
16. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.
17. Oxyfuel Welding and Cutting Equipment, Setup, and Operation.
18. Oxyacetylene Welding.
19. Soldering, Brazing, and Braze Welding Processes.
20. Soldering and Brazing.
21. Oxyacetylene Cutting.
22. Plasma Arc Cutting.
23. Arc Cutting, Gouging, and Related Cutting Processes.
24. Other Welding Processes.
25. Welding Automation and Robotics.
26. Filler Metal Selection.
27. Welding Metallurgy.
28. Weldability of Metals.
29. Welder Certification.
30. Testing and Inspecting Welds.

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