Construction Jobsite Management 2e

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Author: William R. Mincks; Hal Johnston
Edition: 002
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781401809126
ISBN 10: 140180912X
Copyright: 2004

Price: $159.95

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This book deals with all facets of construction project management from the contractor's point of view. It examines the duties that are handled by the project manager, construction superintendent, and construction engineer throughout the progress of a job, from the configurations of a project team through project closeout. A hallmark of this book is its dedicated focus on the activities of jobsite personnel that includes helpful techniques and procedures for effectively managing a project from start to finish. The clear, concise language in which it is written makes this book an essential introduction to the "real world" of effective management techniques.


  • discussions of current philosophies, procedures, and methods of management stress application over theory, making this book ready-made for use on the jobsite
  • the authors bring numerous years of actual construction project management experience to life so that concepts are immediately applicable to the real world
  • construction documents for use in project management are discussed, including the use of common forms such as AIA papers that can be directly applied to project situations
  • the chapters on safety and computerized project management are thoroughly up-to-date, keeping on pace with emerging technologies and jobsite conditions
  • chapter objectives and review questions reinforce concepts, and an Instructor's Manual is available with answers to the review questions

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