CD-ROM Courseware for Joyce's Residential Construction Academy Plumbing

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Author: Michael A. Joyce; HBI
Edition: 001
Product Type: CD ROM
ISBN 13: 9781401848996
ISBN 10: 1401848990
Copyright: 2005

Price: $1,903.95

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Based on national skill standards and developed as an integrated part of the Residential Construction Academy: Plumbing package, this series introduces the basics of residential plumbing through a step-by-step approach that shows viewers what to expect when they perform a procedure. Content surveys everything from flaring and soldering techniques and roughing-in to the installation of such plumbing facilities as toilets, faucets, and tubs. Tools and materials are introduced, and a consistent emphasis on safety draws attention to important considerations for working on the job. This series is available either in a set of four 20-minute videos or in the form of one CD-ROM course.


  • the Instructor?s Guide to accompany the video tapes provides objectives, pre-test and post-test questions, discussion questions, application questions, and a list of glossary terms for each lesson that can be distributed to students; answers to test questions are also provided to monitor and ensure mastery of material
  • the interactive CD-ROM courseware combines the video content with animation and interactive testing to teach and reinforce the concepts presented in each video
  • step-by-step procedures impart a fast-paced presentation of material and graphics that is easy to follow and understand
  • straight-forward ?Plumber?s Tips? present practical advice from the experts that helps prepare viewers for what is involved in becoming a highly-skilled professional
  • dynamic animations and background music enhance the live video footage, capturing and retaining viewer interest

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