Practical Problems in Mathematics for Welders

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Author: Robert Chasan
Edition: 006
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781111313593
ISBN 10: 1111313598
Copyright: 2012

Price: $79.95

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Now you can combine a highly effective, practical approach to mathematics with the latest procedures, technologies, and practices in today's welding industry with PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS FOR WELDERS, 6E. Readers clearly see how welders rely on mathematical skills to solve both everyday and more challenging problems, from measuring materials for cutting and assembling to effectively and economically ordering materials. Highly readable explanations, numerous real-world examples, and practice problems emphasize math skills most important in welding today, from basic procedures to more advanced math formulas and technologies. Readers leave equipped with the strong math tools they need for success in today's welding careers.

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