Construction Management

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34 matching items were found, now displaying 1 - 10

1 2 3 4

Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques

William P. Spence
ISBN 13: 9781418001810
ISBN 10: 1418001813

Comprehensive in nature, this newly updated book extensively explores construction materials and properties as well as current methods of residential and commercial building construction. Revisions r...

Price: $159.95

Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques, Building for a Sustainable Future

William P. Spence; Eva Kultermann
ISBN 13: 9781435481084
ISBN 10: 1435481089

Explore the most up-to-date green methods for residential and commercial building construction, along with the construction materials and properties needed to carry them out with this newly revised bo...

Price: $159.95

Construction Jobsite Management

William R. Mincks; Hal Johnston
ISBN 13: 9781439055731
ISBN 10: 1439055734

This new updated third edition of Construction Jobsite Management deals with all facets of construction project management from the contractor's point of view. It examines the duties that are handled ...

Price: $159.95


John Hohman
ISBN 13: 9781418066666
ISBN 10: 1418066664

A continuation of the solid skills development and strong theoretical knowledge established with HVACR 101 and HVACR 201, this third installment in the series guides readers through increasingly advan...

Price: $96.95

Understanding Construction Drawings

Mark Huth
ISBN 13: 9781435464476
ISBN 10: 1435464478

Updated to the 2006 International Building and Residential Codes, the fifth edition of UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS continues to highlight a range of real construction projects - from residenti...

Price: $99.95

Introduction To Hydraulics & Hydrology

John E. Gribbin
ISBN 13: 9781418032951
ISBN 10: 1418032956

Expanded from 12 to 15 chapters, this edition of Introduction to Hydraulics & Hydrology continues to guide readers to an understanding of the concepts of hydraulics and surface water hydrology as they...

Price: $149.95

2006 International Residential Code

International Code Council (ICC)
ISBN 13: 9781580012522
ISBN 10: 1580012523

LOOSE-LEAF VERSION: The 2006 International Residential Code®brings uniformity to construction of one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories high. A comprehensive code for homebu...

Price: $141.00

2006 International Residential Code

International Code Council (ICC)
ISBN 13: 9781580012539
ISBN 10: 1580012531

SOFTCOVER VERSION: The 2006 International Residential Code®brings uniformity to construction of one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories high. A comprehensive code for homebui...

Price: $120.00

Estimating for Residential Construction

David Pratt
ISBN 13: 9781401879471
ISBN 10: 1401879470

Estimating for Residential Construction offers a concise introduction to residential estimating processes and to the steps involved in accurately preparing a cost estimate. Author David Pratt uses cl...

Price: $159.95

Turbo Tabs for ICC's 2006 International Building Code

International Code Council (ICC)
ISBN 13: 9781580015547
ISBN 10: 1580015549

With the new Turbo Tabs for the 2006 International Building Code, you will be able to locate information easily and efficiently. These tabs were meticulously created by industry experts to highlight ...

Price: $17.00

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