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Author: Floyd Vogt
Edition: 004
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781401870690
ISBN 10: 1401870694
Copyright: 2006

Price: $194.95

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The intricate system of contemporary light frame building construction is presented in straightforward, step-by-step procedures in this popular bestseller. Carpentry, 4th Edition follows the logical path of a residential project, using reader-friendly presentations and easy-to-follow diagrams to explore building plans, sitework and layout, footings and foundations, framing, interior and exterior surfaces, cabinetry and flooring, and more. This new edition provides a unique blend of all the need-to-know information for both traditional and up-to-date construction practices. Beginning with the layout of the building and finishing with trim carpentry, each section features step-by-step procedures for key carpentry jobs critical safety information, tips of the trade, and insight into the construction.


  • a new full-color design showcasing photo-realistic line art and new, up-to-date photos offers a realistic representation of residential construction from which learners can make practical connections between descriptions and application of concepts
  • prominently features the latest safety considerations so readers can avoid the dangers of certain procedures, tools, and equipment in order to stay safe on the job
  • visuals of live construction sites assist hands-on learners in making an easy transition from the classroom to the jobsite
  • provides helpful tricks of the trade to allow for easier and more efficient completion of tasks
  • a "success story" opens each of the sections in the book, providing a look at the day-to-day job of a carpenter and the successes accomplished through dedication and education

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