Estimating for Residential Construction

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Author: David Pratt
Edition: 001
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781401879471
ISBN 10: 1401879470
Copyright: 2006

Price: $159.95

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Estimating for Residential Construction offers a concise introduction to residential estimating processes and to the steps involved in accurately preparing a cost estimate. Author David Pratt uses clear, straightforward language to describe the basic arithmetic of residential construction work, along with logical explanations of how to prepare takeoffs. Readers will learn how to price excavation and site work, concrete, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, heating, and electrical work, as well as the general expenses and sub-trade work. Specifics on how to prepare a bill of materials from a takeoff, how to summarize and prepare a bid for a custom home, assessing markup on an estimate, and how to review a bid before it is submitted to the client is also covered as well as information on preparing estimates for remodeling jobs.


  • dedicated coverage focuses entirely on the estimating process for success as an accurate and efficient residential construction estimator
  • employs a modern approach to estimating that includes the use of computers so that readers can keep pace with industry standards
  • coverage explains how to prepare bid forms and deal with alternate prices, allowances, and bid security, with detailed examples that show how estimating work is compiled
  • each chapter includes a list of related websites to encourage students to expand their knowledge of the subject matter, as well as a set of review questions an practice problems to allow them to apply what they have learned
  • all discussions include numerous illustrations and examples for added clarification including a sample set of house plans that are used as an example through out the book to illustrate important estimating concepts
  • features a list of conversions and equations used in estimating in the appendices which serves as a helpful resource for students
  • an online companion is available to supplement the book, including Power Points and chapter quizzes to help evaluate student comprehension of the material

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