Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching

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Author: Thomas P. Olivo; C. Thomas Olivo
Edition: 009
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781435483781
ISBN 10: 1435483782
Copyright: 2010

Price: $119.95

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For over 50 years, Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching has been an international best-seller, with close to $500,000 in sales and THE definitive resource for blueprint reading. The newly revised 9th edition of Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching continues the traditions in helping to readers achieve competence in reading and sketching technical drawings. This classic interactive book/workbook will help users develop skills in reading and interpreting industrial drawings and preparing basic to advanced technical sketches. This book will provide them with basic principles, concepts, ANSI and SI Metric drafting symbols and standards, terminology, manufacturing process notes, and other related technical information contained on a mechanical or CAD drawing. Each unit features a basic principle and at least one blueprint and assignment that encourages students to practice newly learned skills. This edition contains coverage of the latest ANSI, ISO, AWS and ASME standards.


  • New Unit 5 covering Projection Lines & other line types added recognizing the incrasing impact of CAD on the subject of BPR.
  • New Unit 18, Interchangeable Parts, Allowances and Class of fit added to teach users how to dimension mating parts not needing GD&T, filling a previous void of how to get from a detail drawing to an assembly drawing.
  • Modifies over one hundred and eighty figures and drawings, where appropriate, to more clearly represent the best drafting techniques.
  • Updates all GD&T related content, charts and drawings in Unit 29 to reflect the latest ANSI standards.
  • Updates and revises all references to computers used in drawing, storage, CNC and MFG, CAD/CAM, CADD, CIM robotics, scanning and copying.
  • Updates expanded coverage on geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD and T) to the most current ANSI standards and revises numerous drawings to conform to ANSI Y14-M standards and ISO metric standards.
  • Includes major enhancements to the graphics and line quality of drawings, as well as a more functional use of color help in developing print reading skills with accuracy.
  • Contains very short units of instruction that break up material into manageable chunks of information with abundant assignment, including sketching, that serve to engage reader interest.
  • New Unit 32, Surfact Developments & Precision Sheet Metal Drawings, added in response to reviewer feedback.

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