Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques

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Author: William P. Spence
Edition: 002
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781418001810
ISBN 10: 1418001813
Copyright: 2007

Price: $159.95

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Comprehensive in nature, this newly updated book extensively explores construction materials and properties as well as current methods of residential and commercial building construction. Revisions reflect the changes based on the 2004 Edition of Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat and follows the logical sequence of a construction project. The Second Edition is complete with current information that is the result of input from hundreds of manufacturers and professional and trade organizations, and makes frequent reference to building codes relating to various construction materials and methods.


  • Correlations and cross-references to the 2004 CSI MasterFormat appear at the front of each section, as well as integrated throughout the text, to provide readers with a quick reference to construction requirements on specific subjects
  • The book follows the logical sequence of a construction project, allowing learners to build a foundation of knowledge before moving into the specific requirements of each stage of construction as would be necessary on an actual jobsite
  • More than 2,000 drawings and photographs reflect current methodologies and technology, bringing important concepts to life for visual learners while keeping pace with the industry
  • Hands-on activities appear at the end of each chapter providing ample opportunities for readers to work with materials firsthand
  • A robust Appendix that includes current addresses and website information for key materials manufacturers and professional and technical organizations makes this a handy reference
  • An e.resource on CD-ROM is available to instructors that includes the instructor's guide, PowerPoint, test bank and more!

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